Sunday, February 28, 2010

Running Down

I'm on taper an so is my body. Had a wonderful 10m run with Jen at Sewell school. Went to lunch and found Caris a backpack that fit her. Jenny tried on a wool summer weight dress that really looked good. She now wonders why she didn't buy it then? Split more wood and then went down hill. My body hurt, itchy throat/eyes and nose stopped up. Still have lots of chores to do today, including wood splitting, moving and running 3m. I know this is a taper illness and will leave me stronger than before however it still sucks. Weather for Umstead looks great, 35 for the start and near 60 by finish with clear sky all day.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I find myself in Taper Madness. I love when the running tapers to near nothing. 16 weeks ago I was pushing to keep up with the mileage I taper at. Next week is the Umstead Marathon and I will treat it as a long run. I have singed up for the Bel Monte 50K on march 27. I am hoping to finish in 6.5 hrs. Jen is doing the 25k.