Tuesday, December 2, 2008

day one

day one, i've had my pin out for 1 day now. it took 2.5 hrs at the dr office. we waited for an 1.5 hrs before we went in back, never go the week after the holidays as they are catching up. the cast came off and the skin was not to bad. the fellow/resident looked and seemed to like what he saw as for as healing. he informed jenny and i that the nerve could take a month to 'wake-up'. dr. bynum had the pin removed which felt weird but not crazy. we then discussed what i can/nots do. wear your removable hard cast accept when moving it to strecth the ligament, no squeezing, pinching, torquing, jarring, crashing of any sort. i'm out of work for 5 more weeks.

luckily i also started training for umstead marathon with a 3 mile run. we'll see how things progress.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

home destroyed

last saterday we went to ikea in annapolis va. the total trip was 12 hr. 4 to, 4 at, 4 home. lots of x-mas gifts and most importantly storage for silas closet. well fast forward to wednesday and the closet is cleaned out, painted, and organnizer almost complete. hopefully we will manage most of the gear back in the closet today and recover silas's room.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

pacer cake

well 2 days of work. the pacer runner cake is done. graphing the size up was fun. the cake recpt. was from an old cook book from a local church were the ingredients said 1 c. margarine and the directions said 1 c. shortning. the batch with the shorting wound up in the compost. one of the egg batches wound up in the compost as well cause i didn't clean the bowl well enough before beating.
i switched to butter since you can not go wrong with butter for the batter. making the icing went smooth, shortning and confec. sugar. 2 thick coats were needed as well as some purple writing icing. all in all i do'nt think it'll end up on cake wrecks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

deer hunting

11-17-08 as i was doing chores i looked out the window and what did i see but a deer next to the shop staring back at me. i wondered when hunting season started for gun? went to computer clik dot com season started 11-15. clik dot credit card now have hunting license in hand, deer still laying by shop. go unlock gun and search of ammo. i only found 1 bullet, better make it a good shot with my cast hand. i easied the front door open, deer never looked, opened screen door and proped with shoe so it was just cracked. she looked for a second then went to chewing a leaf. aim, loud bang, hi her , she ran into the pine thickit and laid down. jenny called from work 20 sec after the shot. you normally want to give game 10-15 mins. before you track, so this was perfect. i had to change onto proper outdoor clothes i.e. not pj's. i took her to the deer processor where 2 nice people helped gut and skin her since my hand limits me to do so. we'll be getting 2 tenerlions, the rest 1/2 sausage, 1/2 burger patties to freeze. what a wild morning.

Monday, November 17, 2008

misery run 2008,

this weekend silas and i ran a 5.8 mile trail run @ Lucas Farm in carrboro. the race is part of the godiva track club winter series. you run over hay bales through mud hole sa deep as mid thigh if you went slow. hills asd cow manure where prevolent over the 3 loop course. the winner is the one who guesses their finishing time the closest. i predicted 45:23 and actual was 46:05 not near the winners 9 sec. difference. majorly dirty and hugely. cannot wiat for next misery.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

misery run

silas ans i ran the godiva misery run at lucas farm in carrboro. mud puddles jumping round hay bales and cow pies. we were both covered in guck. i guessed my finishing time as 45:23 and actual was 46:05. we are now off to willmington for will and bens wedding celebration. silas has HD sports and caris is at b-party till 5-ish. they will spend the night alone .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

naming revisited

after a flurry of dramatic blogging i think the name will change to RUNNING LAPS.
jenny and kim think it's a better name.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

name debate

well, greetings reader. i'm starting a blog as you can tell. last night as i was letting jenny, my wife, know, a debate on the name came up. summoned moment just came to mind, jen's first thought was to name the way my sister-n-law named her's; kim named hers IT BEGAN IN CAMP 4. that is a trip they officially began dating as it were. so jenny's idea was RUNNING LAPS since we first met during the semi annual fitness event for the california conservation corps. we'll have to see which name sticks.